Our Team

QQ Team

Delivering Impacts, Together!

Qando Qoaching Group (QQ Group) exists with a strong mission to contribute to build the ecosystem towards Great Indonesia (Indonesia Hebat) 2045. With our extensive experience since 1998 in empowering ‘people and organization’ to develop value-driven winning culture, we have then expanded our business partnerships in digital technology, marketing and property services, outsourcing services, MSMEs empowerment, youth and disabilities communities related social impact enterprises.

“Everybody wins when a leader gets better”. And if organization grows healthy, it can sustain for a long haul”.

Meet our team

“We pride ourselves in keeping all our board members having the best reputation and remarkable track records in each of the industry they served with character, competence and chemistry for nation building initiatives.”

Board of Advisors & Commissioners

Prof DR. Ermaya Suradinata, SH, MH, MA, MSI

Komisaris Utama

Mayjend TNI (Purn) H. Asep Kuswani S.H, M.Si (Han)

Komisaris Independen

Misbahul Munir, MBA, Ak, CPMA, CA, PIA.


Agus Santoso, SH, LLM

Senior Advisor

Nurrachman Oerip SH.

Senior Advisor

Prof Willi Toisuta, Ph. D

Komisaris Independen

Board of Leadership & Experts

“We are proud of the determination of all members of the leadership board who have the best reputation and outstanding track record in every industry they serve with character, competence and soundness to realize every initiative that builds the nation”

Julian Foe, M.Pd

Managing Partner QQ Group
Senior leadership Coach, HC Advisor

Budianto, M.Pd.

Managing Partner QQ Group
HC Lead Consultant, Senior Trainer

Gomulia Oscar

Business Development Director

Karel Halim

Commercial Director

Ratnawati Sutedjo

Social Impact Entrepreneur
Pegiat Disabilitas

Ir. Michael Tedja, M.T

Principal Consultant
Total Quality Management System

Markus Kristianto

Senior Trainer & Life Inspirator
NEW ME Lead Coach

Dr. Ir. John Sihotang, MM

Learning & Development Expert

Tony Chen, M.M.

Sales Lead Consultant, Senior Trainer
(High Performing Sales Team)

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