Author: Qando Qoaching

  • Toxic Leadership Patterns and Their Impact on Organizations: Characteristics and How to Address Them

    Toxic Leadership Patterns and Their Impact on Organizations: Characteristics and How to Address Them

    By: Dhania Puspa Purbasari Leadership is a critical element in the success of an organization. Good leaders can inspire and motivate their teams to achieve common goals. However, not all leaders have a positive influence. Some leaders exhibit harmful and toxic behaviors that can negatively impact morale, performance, and organizational success. This article will delve…

  • Building Meaningful Relationships: The Art of Social Interaction Based on Personality and Conscience

    Building Meaningful Relationships: The Art of Social Interaction Based on Personality and Conscience

    Human beings are social creatures who cannot live in isolation without interacting with others. The desire to connect with others is ingrained in us from birth. Beyond being a mere necessity, social interaction is a crucial part of life that offers numerous physical and psychological benefits. Winning hearts and building relationships with others requires an…

  • Enhancing Business Performance with Reciprocal Return on Relationships (ROR)

    Enhancing Business Performance with Reciprocal Return on Relationships (ROR)

    By: Dhania Puspa Purbasari In an increasingly competitive business world, building strong and sustainable relationships with various stakeholders is becoming more important. One concept that emphasizes the importance of these relationships is Reciprocal Return on Relationships (ROR). ROR is not just about business transactions but also about building trust, promoting collaboration, and creating long-term value…

  • The Role of Human Capital in Driving Innovation and Company Growth

    The Role of Human Capital in Driving Innovation and Company Growth

    Editor: Dhania Puspa Purbasari In the current era of globalization and digitalization, companies are challenged to innovate and grow continuously to survive and compete in an increasingly competitive market. One key factor in driving innovation and company growth is human capital. Human capital encompasses the skills, knowledge, and competencies possessed by employees that contribute to…

  • Building a Strong Self-Image: The Key to Personal Development in the Modern Era

    Building a Strong Self-Image: The Key to Personal Development in the Modern Era

    By: Markus Kristianto Editor: Dhania Puspa Purbasari A damaged self-image often lies at the root of various serious problems in a person’s life. The search for identity, the desire to be recognized, accepted, loved, and valued are basic human needs that cannot be ignored. In this modern era, the complexity of the problems we face…

  • Strategy for Developing Human Capital in the Digital Era

    Strategy for Developing Human Capital in the Digital Era

    Editor: Dhania Puspa Purbasari In this dynamic digital era, human resource development (HRD) has become a key element for the success and sustainability of organizations. Digital transformation has drastically altered the business landscape, prompting companies to adjust their HRD strategies to remain relevant and competitive. Here are some crucial strategies for developing human capital in…

  • Noble Work Ethics: Maintaining and Maximizing Responsibility

    Noble Work Ethics: Maintaining and Maximizing Responsibility

    In today’s competitive professional world, having noble work ethics means not only performing tasks well but also maintaining responsibility and maximizing it to its fullest potential. In the office, we need to be leaders or coworkers who can be role models for others. Would our colleagues rate their experience of working with us as “very…

  • Pressure and Performance: The Yerkes-Dodson Law, and Leadership Traps in Mental Health

    Pressure and Performance: The Yerkes-Dodson Law, and Leadership Traps in Mental Health

    By: Dhania Puspa Purbasari Mental health in the workplace has become a primary concern in recent years. Understanding how pressure affects performance and how leaders can support the mental health of their teams is crucial. This article discusses two main aspects: the Yerkes-Dodson Law on pressure and performance, and leadership traps that can affect mental…

  • Building Human Relationships: The Key to Success in Professional Life

    Building Human Relationships: The Key to Success in Professional Life

    By: Markus Kristianto Editor: Dhania Puspa Purbasari Humans are social beings who naturally need interaction with each other. In professional life, the ability to build good relationships with various personality types is a highly valuable asset. Strong and sincere relationships not only help expand networks but also have a positive impact on productivity and job…

  • The Influence of Organizational Culture on Human Capital

    The Influence of Organizational Culture on Human Capital

    Editor: Dhania Puspa Purbasari In an increasingly competitive and dynamic business environment, competitive advantage is essential for any organization that wants to survive and thrive. One of the most valuable assets that can provide this advantage is human capital, which encompasses the knowledge, skills, and competencies of employees that play a critical role in determining…
