Ownership Competence Development in Business Families: Ensuring Long Term Success

By: Tony Chen, M.M

Editor: Dhania Puspa Purbasari

Family businesses are unique, as they integrate family relationships and business operations into a cohesive whole. While this hybrid model can provide unique advantages, it also creates complex challenges that require specialized knowledge and skills. One of the critical factors for the success of a family business is ownership competence development. Ownership competence refers to the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities for family members to fulfill their roles as owners of the business effectively. In this article, we discuss the importance of ownership competence development, the three broad categories of family ownership competence, the competencies necessary for a family CEO or board chairperson, challenges in dedicating resources to ownership education, and how the Ownership Competence Development Curriculum can ensure long-term success.

Ownership competence development is essential for the long-term success of a family business. Developing ownership competence helps family members understand their roles, responsibilities, and rights as owners, which, in turn, fosters trust, communication, and commitment among family members. Furthermore, it helps align individual goals with those of the business and family as a whole. Ownership competence development enables family members to make informed decisions that support the business’s growth and sustainability.

Three Broad Categories of Family Ownership Competence

Business Competence, Family Competence, and Individual Competence are the three broad categories of family ownership competence.

Business Competence concerns knowledge and skills in finance, marketing, management, strategy, innovation, and governance. Family members with active management roles in the business require Business Competence to make informed decisions related to business strategy, financial planning, and operations.

Family Competence refers to skills such as communication, conflict resolution, and collaboration. Family Competence is essential for all family members who are part of the business, regardless of their roles. Effective communication, conflict resolution and collaboration between family members, helps promote family cohesion, which fosters trust and commitment among family members, contributing to the continuity of the business.

Individual Competence is crucial for family members who do not play an active role in running the business. It includes knowledge and skills in areas such as financial planning, legal issues, and governance. Individual Competence is essential to ensure that all family members have a clear understanding of their legal rights, roles, and responsibilities as business owners.

Finally, ownership competence development is essential for the long-term success of family businesses. The development of Business, Family, and Individual Competence helps promote family cohesion, enable informed decision-making, and ensure effective governance. While challenges exist in dedicating resources to education programs, creating a culture of continuous learning, and communicating the importance of educational programs can help overcome barriers. The Ownership Competence Development Curriculum can be served as a comprehensive educational program to increase ownership competence, enhance decision-making abilities, and promote the long-term success of family businesses.

Don’t forget to check our list of services at https://campsite.bio/indonesiahebat to get training, personal development guidance or consultation for your family business.

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