Qando Qoaching Mendampingi Munas KBC 2024 dengan Metode Lego Serious Play


By: Nicholas Utomo

Editor: Dhania Puspa Purbasari

On August 24th and 25th, 2024, Qando Qoaching was entrusted to support the participants of the KBC National Conference (Munas) in Semarang. On this occasion, Qando Qoaching implemented the innovative Lego Serious Play method to support the participants in the collaborative process of creating a new, stronger and more relevant vision for KBC.

What is Lego Serious Play?


Lego Serious Play (LSP) is an innovative and unique facilitation method that uses Lego bricks as tools for thinking, discussing and sharing ideas. It was developed by the Lego Group and first introduced in 1996 by two Swiss professors, Johan Roos and Bart Victor, and Lego director Robert Rasmussen. The method is designed to improve business innovation, collaboration, and organizational performance in a fun yet serious way.

Lego Serious Play is based on the concept of “serious play,” or using the process of play to stimulate creative thinking and solve complex problems. It is based on several psychological principles, such as constructivist thinking and hands-on learning. In this context, play is not just a light activity, but also a technique that facilitates deep understanding through visualization and exploration of ideas.


Some of the benefits of Lego Serious Play include:

  • Encourages active participation: Each participant in a Lego Serious Play session is invited to fully participate by building a Lego model that represents their idea or perspective. This ensures that every voice is heard and considered.
  • Mengungkap Pemikiran Tersembunyi: Dengan menggunakan alat visual seperti Lego, peserta sering kali dapat mengungkapkan pemikiran atau ide yang mungkin sulit dijelaskan hanya dengan kata-kata.
  • Membangun Kepercayaan dan Kolaborasi: Karena semua orang terlibat dalam proses bermain dan membangun, metode ini memperkuat dinamika tim dan memfasilitasi pembentukan ikatan antar anggota tim.
  • Mengidentifikasi Masalah dan Peluang: Dengan membangun model 3D, tim dapat lebih mudah mengidentifikasi tantangan dan peluang yang mungkin tidak terlihat jelas dalam diskusi biasa.

Why is Lego Serious Play effective?


The Lego Serious Play method is effective because it combines visual, kinaesthetic and narrative elements, making the process of thinking and sharing deeper and more meaningful. In a Lego Serious Play session, each participant uses not only logic and analysis, but also creativity and imagination. This allows participants to express ideas that may be difficult to explain in words alone.

By using Lego Serious Play, Qando Qoaching successfully created an environment where creative ideas could flow freely and team collaboration was strengthened. The end result is a new vision for KBC that is stronger, more relevant and ready to face the challenges of the future.

Why is Lego Serious Play an option for the KBC National Conference?

KBC Lego

The choice of Lego Serious Play as a method in the KBC National Conference is not without reason. This method offers many advantages over other traditional facilitation techniques:

  • Inklusivitas Tinggi: Setiap peserta, terlepas dari jabatannya, dapat berkontribusi secara setara.
  • Mendorong Keterbukaan dan Kepercayaan: Dengan bermain dan membangun bersama, peserta lebih mudah membuka diri dan memberikan ide-ide yang jujur.
  • Facilitates rapid consensus: Compared to other methods that take longer, Lego Serious Play allows groups to reach consensus in a shorter and more effective time.

Qando Qoaching: Your Partner in Organizational Transformation

Qando Qoaching is proud to have been a part of this journey, helping KBC formulate a new vision that will take the organization to the next level. With innovative approaches such as Lego Serious Play, we remain committed to helping organizations and companies achieve their goals.

For more information on how Lego Serious Play can help your organization, please contact us and follow us on social media for the latest updates.

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