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Working as Worship: The True Meaning Behind the Phrase

By: Markus Kristianto, Dhania Puspa Purbasari

You might have often heard the phrase, “Working is Worship.” In today’s financially oriented economic era, this phrase is often unconsciously interpreted as: ‘working to earn money, and with that money, we worship.’ But is it really like that? The idea that with money we can provide for ourselves, support those who depend on us, help the poor, and all of that counts as worship as long as we intend it sincerely without expecting anything in return from those we help.

Worship, in a universal context, is not limited to religious rituals but also encompasses all good deeds done with the intention of benefiting oneself and others. Working with good intentions, honesty, and sincerity is also a form of worship. When we work, we are essentially fulfilling one of life’s great tasks, which is to enrich the world and benefit others.

The work we do every day can be considered worship if accompanied by sincere intentions and noble goals. Working with the intention to earn an honest living to provide for our family and help others is a highly valued form of worship. Furthermore, working with the intention to contribute to society, provide excellent service, and uphold the trust given to us is also highly respected.

Working with Integrity and Ethics

Integrity and work ethics are essential in carrying out our jobs. Working honestly, not cheating, not being deceitful, and not harming others are values that must be upheld. Integrity includes honesty in every aspect of life, including work. Additionally, maintaining good relationships with colleagues, superiors, and subordinates, and providing the best service to customers or clients are also part of work ethics that must be maintained. All of these can be considered acts of worship if done with the right intentions and noble goals.

One of the main goals of working is to provide for oneself and one’s family. It is a responsibility to ensure that family members are provided with honest and lawful means. Besides supporting the family, work also gives us the opportunity to help others in need. With the earnings we receive, we can assist the poor, help relatives in distress, and contribute to social activities. All of these are forms of social worship that are highly encouraged.

Even though working is considered worship, we must still balance work and personal life. We should not let work responsibilities cause us to neglect personal duties such as self-care, spending time with family, and pursuing hobbies and interests. Maintaining a balance between work and personal life is crucial for achieving a blessed and fulfilling life.

Working as worship is a noble concept. With sincere intentions, noble goals, and maintaining integrity and work ethics, our jobs can be immensely valuable acts of worship. Moreover, working also provides opportunities to support our families and help others, all of which count as worship if done with the right intentions.

If you want to learn more about how working can be worship and how to apply this in your daily life, the Me & Work through the New Me program from Qando Coaching is an excellent choice. This program is designed to help you develop positive habits and enhance your work productivity based on strong ethical values.

Register now and start your journey towards a more productive and blessed life! Don’t forget to visit Group.

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