Carving a Meaningful Life: Understanding Purpose, Direction, and Life’s Meaning


Amid the hustle and bustle, many of us may feel that life is just a routine, moving aimlessly, trapped in an endless cycle. However, deep within, there is a profound desire to live a life filled with meaning and significance. How can we achieve this? How can we ensure that our lives are filled with the right things, at the right time, in the right way, and with the right attitude?


  1. Finding Meaning in Every Step

Every human being is born with the desire to find meaning in their life. This meaning does not come easily; it must be sought, learned, and understood. John Ortberg often emphasizes the importance of recognizing that life is a journey full of opportunities to discover this meaning. Meaning is not only found in grand achievements but also in the small actions we take every day.

The first step is realizing that every action we take can bring us closer to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. These small actions, such as the desire to care more for others or the effort to understand our life’s purpose, are traces of meaning that enrich our lives.


  1. Doing the Right Thing: The Foundation of a Meaningful Life

Doing the right thing is the core of a meaningful life. What is considered right may vary depending on the values and principles we hold. For some, doing the right thing may mean speaking truthfully, being kind to others, or working with integrity. For others, it may mean standing up for the weak, contributing to society, or protecting the environment.

However, doing the right thing is not always easy. It often requires courage, perseverance, and strong conviction. When we choose to do the right thing, we build a strong foundation for a meaningful life. John Ortberg stresses that a meaningful life is not about seeking temporary pleasure, but about committing to doing the right things, even when faced with obstacles.


  1. Prioritizing Time: The Key to a Meaningful Life

Time is the most valuable resource we have. Using time wisely is key to achieving a meaningful life. John Ortberg talks about the importance of doing the right thing at the right time, which means recognizing when it’s time to act and when it’s time to wait.

Prioritizing is not just about doing everything at once, but about knowing when to move forward and when to step back. By using time wisely, we can focus on the most important things in our lives and ensure that our time is used most effectively.


  1. Integrity in Action: Doing the Right Thing the Right Way

It’s not enough to just do the right thing; we must also do it the right way. How we do something is often more important than the outcome. Integrity is a key element in living a meaningful life. It means acting honestly, fairly, and responsibly, even when no one is watching.

John Ortberg reminds us that how we achieve our goals is as important as the goals themselves. Integrity is not just about doing the right thing, but also about doing it in a way that reflects the values and principles we hold.


  1. Building a Life with the Right Attitude

Our attitude in life plays a significant role in achieving a meaningful life. The right attitude is one filled with gratitude, compassion, and openness to learning. This attitude helps us face challenges with courage, accept failure with humility, and celebrate success with wisdom.

John Ortberg teaches that the right attitude is about finding joy in simple things, learning from every experience, and always seeking ways to become a better person. The right attitude allows us to live life with enthusiasm, even when faced with challenges along the way.


  1. Integrating the Four Elements: Toward a Meaningful Life

Achieving a meaningful life is about integrating these four elements—doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, and with the right attitude—into every aspect of our lives. This is a lifelong journey that requires awareness, commitment, and perseverance.

When we succeed in integrating these four elements, we not only live a meaningful life but also inspire those around us. A meaningful life is not measured by how much we have or how successful we are in the eyes of the world, but by how deeply we love, how sincerely we serve, and how faithfully we adhere to the values we believe in.


  1. Reflection and Action: Closing the Journey Toward a Meaningful Life

As we conclude this reflection, it’s important to remember that a meaningful life is not an end goal that can be achieved and then set aside. It is an ongoing journey that requires daily attention and action. John Ortberg often reminds us to stay vigilant and continuously evaluate whether we are living in accordance with these values.

Finally, the key to achieving a meaningful life is to take action. Reflection without action is empty. We must have the courage to take the first step—doing the right thing, at the right time, in the right way, and with the right attitude. By doing so, we can carve out a life that is not only meaningful for ourselves but also has a positive impact on others.


Join the “New Me: Me & My Life” Program now!

If you feel inspired to start living a more meaningful life, we invite you to join the New Me: Me & My Life program. This program is designed to help you gain a deeper understanding of purpose, direction, and meaning in life, and how to apply them in your daily life. Discover practical guidance to lead a life that is more significant and full of meaning. Visit our website at or follow our social media accounts for more information and registration.

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