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Pressure and Performance: The Yerkes-Dodson Law, and Leadership Traps in Mental Health

Mental Leader

By: Dhania Puspa Purbasari

Mental health in the workplace has become a primary concern in recent years. Understanding how pressure affects performance and how leaders can support the mental health of their teams is crucial. This article discusses two main aspects: the Yerkes-Dodson Law on pressure and performance, and leadership traps that can affect mental health within organizations.

Pressure and Performance: The Yerkes-Dodson Law

The Yerkes-Dodson Law is a psychological theory that explains the relationship between pressure and performance. According to this theory, there is an optimal level of pressure that yields the best performance. Too little or too much pressure can reduce performance. Understanding this law is essential for leaders who want to optimize their team’s performance without compromising their well-being.

The Basics of the Yerkes-Dodson Theory

The Yerkes-Dodson Law was introduced by Robert M. Yerkes and John D. Dodson in 1908. They found that mice showed improved performance in completing tasks with a moderate level of electric shock (as a form of pressure). However, when the pressure was too high, their performance decreased.

Applying the Yerkes-Dodson Law in the Workplace

In the workplace, pressure can come from various sources, such as tight deadlines, high targets, or a competitive work environment. Leaders must understand that a little pressure can motivate employees to work harder and more efficiently. However, excessive pressure can cause stress, fatigue, and decreased performance.

Finding the Optimal Level of Pressure

Finding the optimal level of pressure is a challenge for many leaders. This involves recognizing signs of stress among employees and creating a supportive work environment. Here are some strategies that can be used:

  1. Monitoring Mental Health: Leaders should always monitor the mental well-being of their employees. This can be done through mental health surveys, one-on-one interviews, or even by monitoring absenteeism and productivity levels.
  2. Flexibility in Work: Providing flexibility in work, such as work-from-home options or flexible working hours, can help reduce the pressure felt by employees.
  3. Stress Management Training: Providing stress management training for employees can help them develop skills to manage pressure effectively.
  4. Encouraging Open Communication: Creating a culture where employees feel comfortable talking about their pressure and stress can help leaders understand and address issues before they become too big.

Leadership Traps in Mental Health

Mental Health

As leaders, understanding the traps that can affect mental health within the organization is an essential step in creating a healthy and productive work environment. There are five main traps that leaders often face: the control trap, the cognitive trap, the power trap, the action trap, and the resilience trap.


Control Trap

Leaders often feel that they need to control every aspect of their team’s work to ensure good results. However, excessive control can make employees feel untrusted and pressured.

Overcoming the Control Trap:

    • Delegation of Tasks: Trusting employees by delegating tasks can increase their sense of responsibility and independence.
    • Appreciating Initiative: Appreciating employees’ initiative and creativity can help reduce the need for excessive control.


Kogniftif Trap

Cognitive Trap

Leaders may have biases or incorrect assumptions about their employees, which can influence their decisions. These biases can stem from past experiences or personal prejudices.

Overcoming the Cognitive Trap:

    • Bias Awareness Training: Providing training on bias awareness can help leaders recognize and overcome their own biases.
    • Encouraging Diverse Perspectives: Inviting employees from various backgrounds to participate in decision-making can help reduce biases.

Power Leader

Power Trap

Leaders who are too focused on their power may ignore the needs of employees and create an unhealthy work environment.

Overcoming the Power Trap:

    • Servant Leadership: Adopting a leadership approach that focuses on serving employees can help reduce the negative impact of power.
    • Seeking Feedback: Actively seeking feedback from employees about leadership style can help leaders identify areas for improvement.

Command Leader

Action Trap

Leaders who are too focused on actions and results may ignore processes and employee well-being.

Overcoming the Action Trap:

    • Focusing on Process: Ensuring that work processes are also considered, not just the end results.
    • Encouraging Work-Life Balance: Encouraging employees to maintain a balance between work and personal life can help reduce pressure.


Mental Health

Resilience Trap

Leaders may feel that they must always be strong and resilient to all pressures. This can create unrealistic expectations for themselves and their employees.

Overcoming the Resilience Trap:

    • Acknowledging Vulnerability: Recognizing that everyone has limits and the importance of mental well-being.
    • Setting a Good Example: Leaders who are open about their own mental health can set a good example for employees.

At Qando Qoaching, we understand the importance of creating a work environment that supports the mental health and well-being of employees. We provide various programs and training designed to help leaders and managers overcome pressure and leadership traps.

We offer stress management training programs designed to help employees develop the skills needed to manage pressure effectively. These programs include relaxation techniques, time management, and problem-solving strategies.

Our bias awareness training programs help leaders and employees recognize and overcome their own biases. This includes self-assessment, group discussions, and practical exercises to encourage diverse perspectives.

We offer servant leadership training programs that teach leaders how to better serve their employees. This includes effective communication techniques, empathy, and inclusive decision-making.

For more information about our programs and how we can help you create a healthier and more productive work environment, visit our website at ttps:// Also, follow our latest updates on social media to get the latest tips and strategies on stress management and leadership.
