The Value of Competent Owners

By: Tony Chen, M.M

Editor: Dhania Puspa Purbasari

In a family business, competent owners are critical to achieving long-term success. Owners play a vital role in shaping the direction and financial goals of the company. Whether it’s creating shareholder agreements, managing large acquisitions, or deciding on the sale of the business, ownership decisions have a significant impact on the enterprise’s future. Therefore, it’s essential to have owners with the right technical and inspirational skills to help the business thrive.

To develop an owner’s mindset, it’s crucial to understand the significance of making informed decisions that align with the business’s interests. Owners need to have a deep understanding of the company’s vision, mission, and values while keeping a keen eye on the bottom line. Additionally, they should be able to evaluate risks, anticipate potential challenges, and make strategic decisions that drive the enterprise forward.

Inclusivity is an essential aspect of developing an owner’s mindset. Inclusive ownership involves empowering the next generation of potential owners with knowledge and skills to make informed decisions that align their interests with those of the business. It also means developing a culture of transparency, open communication, and mutual respect towards all stakeholders, including non-family members.

Owner types broadly fall into three categories: active owners, passive owners, and hybrid owners. Active owners are involved in the daily operations of the business and are responsible for driving growth. Passive owners receive periodic updates from the business but are not involved in its daily operations. Hybrid owners divide their time between the business and other activities. Inclusive ownership involves ensuring that all owner types feel involved and valued in the decision-making process to foster alignment and develop effective shareholders.

Talent development is an exciting topic in family business literature, and for a good reason. Developing a talent pipeline that ensures that the right people are in the right roles to drive business growth is vital. Successful family businesses prioritize tracking the family’s assets and investments in talent development to help future generations become competent owners. Investing in talent development involves providing training, mentoring, and coaching opportunities to improve skills and competencies.

Developing an integrated plan for the family and its enterprise over time is also critically important. This involves creating a shared vision that aligns the family’s goals with those of the business. An integrated plan should include succession planning, leadership development, and governance structures to ensure that the family and business thrive over generations. Moving thoughtfully into new growth opportunities also requires a deep understanding of the business’s values and a willingness to take calculated risks.

In conclusion, competent owners play a critical role in the success of a family enterprise. Developing an owner’s mindset, adopting an inclusive concept of ownership, investing in talent development, and developing an integrated plan for the family and its enterprise over time are all key ingredients for achieving long-term success.

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