Technology in the Teaching and Learning Process

By: Tony Chen, M.M

Editor: Dhania Puspa Purbasari

In recent years, there has been a rising trend in education towards student-centred learning. Unlike traditional teacher-centred methods where the educator holds full control over the course material, student-centred learning gives students agency over their learning experience, allowing them to participate in the planning and assessment of their coursework.

One key component of implementing this method is utilising various digital tools. With management systems, online learning platforms, and interactive learning activities, educators can create personalised learning experiences for their students, allowing them to learn at their own pace and in their preferred style. Digital tools can also provide real-time feedback and monitoring, assisting educators in keeping students engaged throughout the course material.

To promote full student engagement, it is essential to incorporate a range of learning activities that promote cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and relational engagement. Using active, constructive, and inquiry-based learning activities can create a positive learning environment that keeps students interested and motivated. Technology can also be leveraged to create simulation-based learning and game-based learning, enriching the overall educational experience.

Optimizing assessments is another significant advantage of digital learning. With technology, assessments can be customized, monitored, and analyzed efficiently. Setting clear expectations and providing additional supports for student participation will help ensure that students feel prepared and confident to engage in assessments.

In conclusion, student-centered learning using digital tools, personalized learning experiences, and a range of learning activities can create an engaging and effective educational experience. With an optimization of assessments and a focus on student engagement, every student can learn, grow, and succeed in their academic journey.

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