Pancasila in History

Since the signing of Presidential Decree No. 24 of 2016, June 1 is commemorated as Pancasila Day and designated as a national holiday.

June 1, 1945 was part of a series of hearings conducted by the Investigating Agency for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI) after May 29, 1945, before June 2, 1945 to July 9, 1945, and July 10 to 17, 1945. At that time, an institution with another name Dokuritsu Junbi Cosakai (Japanese version coined by General Kumakichi Harada) held a meeting on matters related to the state to prepare for future independence, such as forms of government, relations between religion and the state, up to the formulation of the basis of the state. At its peak, at the trial held on June 1 1945, Soekarno initiated Pancasila. Pancasila, which was initiated by Soekarno, means Panca (five) and sila (principles) or five principles.

As a follow-up to Soekarno’s formulation of Pancasila, a Committee of Nine was formed consisting of Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, Alexander Andries Maramis, Abikoesno Tjokrosoejoso, K.H. Abdoel Kahar Moezakir, Agoes Salim, Achmad Soebardjo, K.H. Abdoel Wahid Hasjim, and Mohammad Yamin.

Soekarno’s idea of Pancasila was of course not immediately accepted by all parties involved at that time. There were differences in views, especially from the nationalist and religious camps. The contents of Pancasila were also proposed differently by different figures. Fierce contests of thought and debate accompanied the process of forming Pancasila which is the basis of our country today.

The basic principles conveyed by Soekarno in the formulation of Pancasila are a statement as well as a guide for thinking and acting in expressing his ideas correctly. In his speech, “pledge”, Soekarno introduced the “Freedom of Indonesia” and Pancasila, which at that time still contained (1) Indonesian Nationality; (2) Internationalism or humanity; (3) Consensus or democracy; (4) Social welfare; (5) Belief in the One and Only God. These principles are seen as a way to unite Indonesia’s diverse society and form the basis for state governance.

On the other hand, Moh Yamin has the view that Pancasila is the five foundations of the state which guide the rules for good human behavior. In formulating Pancasila, Mohammad Yamin conveyed his ideas which contained: (1) Nationalism; (2) Humanity; (3) Divinity; (4) Citizenship; and (5) People’s Welfare. Apart from that, Mohammad Yamin also conveyed the basic formulation of the state which was proposed in writing, namely: (1) Belief in One Almighty God; (2) National Unity of Indonesia; (3) Just and civilized humanity; (4) Democracy led by wisdom in representative deliberations; and (5) Social justice for all Indonesian people.

In formulating Pancasila, Soepomo also emphasized that independent Indonesia was a country that united all groups and all their understandings. The basic state formulation ideas presented by Soepomo are: (1) Unity; (2) Family; (3) Physical and spiritual balance; (4) Deliberation; and (5) People’s justice.

This difference of opinion reflected the diversity of thoughts and visions that existed among the leaders and figures of the Indonesian independence movement at that time. Even though there was a fierce debate, after going through several trial processes, Pancasila was ratified at the PPKI meeting on August 18, 1945 as the basis of the Indonesian state. The history of Pancasila involves Indonesia’s social, political and cultural developments from colonial rule to independence, which eventually formed the philosophical foundation of the Indonesian state.

The principles in Pancasila were finally mutually agreed to be (1) Belief in One Almighty God; (2) Just and Civilized Humanity; (3) Indonesian Unity; (4) Democracy led by wisdom in deliberation/representation; (5) Social Justice for All Indonesian People.

That is the history of the birth of Pancasila. As the message conveyed by Bung Karno, “Never abandon history.”

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